17th IMISCOE Annual Conference. On-line, July 1-2.

Nell’ambito della 17° Conferenza IMISCOE che quest’anno si terrà online l’1 e 2 luglio segnaliamo il panel n.34 “Protracted displacement in Europe. Investigating interactions of governance regimes and migrant agency in highly politicised contexts” organizzato da FIERI e basato sui primi risultati del progetto H2020 TRAFIG.

PANEL no. 34 JULY 1: 15:45-17:15 (CEST)

Protracted displacement in Europe. Investigating interactions of governance regimes and migrant agency in highly politicised contexts
Supporter: Javier Gutiérrez
Chair(s): Ferruccio Pastore
Discussant(s): Martin Wagner

A growing share of migrants and asylum seekers who perilously reached Europe over the last years are in a condition of legal precariousness and socio-economic fragility. What is the fate of newcomers who do not match the established criteria for international protection but cannot be forcibly rejected either? How does their agency interact with established (but increasingly dysfunctional) governance regimes? How (if at all) do the EU and its member states try to prevent the risk of mass marginalisation and protracted displacement of forced migrants who do not fit the existing regulatory categories? How do in turn affected people navigate through such unsettled regulatory regimes and governance systems, in growingly politicised contexts? Which strategies do they put in place in order to overcome obstacles to mobility, and enhance self-reliance and socio-economic integration? This panel aims to explore these aspects from a historical and comparative perspective, analysing three case studies – i. e. , Italy, Greece and Germany.
The papers presented are based on the preliminary findings of research carried out in the framework of the Horizon 2020 TRAFIG project (https://trafig. eu/).

Paper 1: Addressing protracted displacement avant la letter: The emergence of the international refugee protection regime as a response to protracted displacement in Europe
Author(s): Albert Kraler. Danube University Krems

Paper 2: Protracted displacement and governance regimes: how do regulatory structures affect the lives of protractedly displaced persons? The case of Italy
Author(s): Emanuela Roman. FIERI

Paper 3: Protracted displacement and governance regimes: Navigating through mobility restrictions in Greece
Author(s): Panos Hatziprokopiou , Eva Papatzani. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Paper 4: Floating in limbo: how hierarchies of protection are protracting displacement in and beyond Germany
Author(s): Simone Christ , Benjamin Etzold. Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)