26th International Conference of Europeanists. Madrid, June 20-22.

Nell’ambito della 26° Conferenza internazionale degli Europeisti che quest’anno si terrà a Madrid dal 20 al 22 giugno segnaliamo il panel 12 “New Migration challenges to Southern Europe: Burden sharing of refugees and welfare beneficiaries” in cui verranno presentati i seguenti paper:

  • Tensions and conflict-resolution between local actors and central government over the burden-sharing and reception of asylum seekers. The case of rural areas in Italy” Irene Ponzo (FIERI).
  • Cross-border health care between EU coordination and national sovereignty: policies and practices of selective citizenship for mobile EU citizens in Italy and Spain” Roberta Perna (FIERI).
  •  “The “burden” of being “safe”. How do new EU migration cooperation agreements affect international responsibility sharing?”Emanuela Roman (FIERI).