MedReset. Un approccio comprensivo, integrato e bottom-up per ridefinire la nostra comprensione dello spazio mediterraneo, disegnare nuove mappe della regione, e ricostruire in modo inclusivo, ricettivo e flessibile le politiche dell’UE. (2016 – 2019)

IT. Il progetto presentato nell’ambito del Programma Horizon 2020 dedicato al futuro delle relazioni euromediterranee, è coordinato dall’Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) di Roma e finanziato dalla Commissione europea all’interno della call INT-06-2015. FIERI ha il ruolo di coordinamento del work package su Migrazioni e mobilità, che indagherà le prospettive di alcuni stati mediterranei extra-europei (Turchia, Libano, Marocco e Tunisia) su priorità e politiche UE in questo campo, con l’obiettivo di suggerire approcci innovativi a livello dell’Unione Europea.
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EN. The project is funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation and is coordinated by the Istituto di Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome. MEDRESET aims at “resetting” our understanding of the Mediterranean area and at elaborating a radically new approach to ensure that EU policies towards the region become more inclusive, in relation to actors, more reactive, in relation to the key challenges ahead, and more flexible, in relation to rapidly changing contexts. FIERI is partner in the project and co-leader (together with the University of Meknes, Morocco) of the work-package on Migration and Mobility which will investigate the perspectives of four key Mediterranean countries (Turkey, Lebanon Morocco and Tunisia) on priorities and EU policies in this field with the aim to identify innovative approaches at the EU level.
We invite those of you interested in euro-mediterranean cooperation in the field of Migration and Mobility (and beyond) to register here (
All the research materials are available on

Download the working paper on EU Stakeholders Download the Lebanese Country Report Download the Turkish Country Report Download the Morocco Country Report Download the Tunisia Country Report Download the Infographics Download the policy recommendations Download Methodology and Concept Paper