Misurare i costi della migrazione per le persone scarsamente qualificate – Survey Italiana (2016).

IT. All’interno di un vasto programma di ricerca condotto dalla Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) sotto il coordinamento della Banca Mondiale, FIERI è incaricato di realizzare una survey sui costi della migrazione in Italia per diverse categorie di migranti inseriti in settori a bassa qualifica.
I dati sui costi della migrazione, inclusa l’indagine italiana, sono disponibili al link: https://www.knomad.org/data/recruitment-costs

EN. FIERI supports the World Bank Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) that aims to be a global hub of knowledge and policy expertise on migration and development issues. More specifically, under the auspices of the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Labor Migration, FIERI will survey low-skilled migrant workers in Italy to estimate the costs they incurred to obtain a low-skilled job in Italy. The overall aim of the project is to develop comparable information on recruitment and migration costs in key migration corridors and identify policies and strategies for reducing them.

Migration costs datasets, included the Italy survey are available at this link: https://www.knomad.org/data/recruitment-costs.