Conference Programme: “Comparative and Multi-sited. Approaches to International Migration”

It is increasingly recognized that explanations of the causes and consequences of international migration need to pay attention to processes in origin, destination and transit countries. However, research on international migration often remains highly geographically-specific – seen only from the perspective of either the sending or the receiving country, but rarely from both. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of international migration is rarely comparative, reflecting the fact that much migration data is available only at national, rather than crossnational level.

The objective of this conference is to promote a multi-sited and comparative approach to international migration, bringing together researchers and research evidence from different parts of the world. The conference will focus on quantitative approaches to international migration that deal simultaneously with processes in places of origin and destination.


The Conference will take place at Ined (Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques)

Salle Sauvy (1st floor), 133 boulevard Davout, 75020 Paris

For attendants that are not listed in the programme wishing to attend the conference, please send the attached registration form to before 30th November.

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