EU-MIA – European Migrant Integration Academy

IT Questo progetto di ricerca e formazione sulle politiche e le pratiche di integrazione è stato finanziato dallo European Integration Fund e si è svolto sotto il coordinamento dell’International Training Centre dell’International Labour Organisation e in collaborazione con l’istituto COMPAS dell’Università di Oxford. L’obiettivo era sviluppare un’esperienza di evidence-based cooperative learning: le buone pratiche di integrazione sono state selezionate tramite una Call for practices rivolta ai soggetti locali; le migliori pratiche sono state poi approfondite attraverso la ricerca sul campo dai cui risultati sono stati sviluppati strumenti formativi (inclusi brevi documentari) per la Migrant Integration Academy svoltasi a Torino dal 3 al 7 febbraio 2014 e che ha coinvolto circa sessanta amministratori locali, funzionari, rappresentanti della società civile e studiosi provenienti da altrettante città europee.

Tutti i materiali prodotti sono disponibili sul sito

EN The research study was funded by the European Integration Fund, coordinated by the International Training Centre (ITC) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and carried out in collaboration with FIERI and COMPAS (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society) of the University of Oxford. It is a research-based cooperative learning and training initiative targeting and directly involving public officials and other local stakeholders responsible for the development and implementation of local level integration policies in selected European cities. EU-MIA is based on the observation that, over the last years, European cities have been developing a rich and diverse experience in this field. Such rich “reservoir” of evidence and potential lessons, however, is largely untapped. EU-MIA aims at drawing innovative training tools from such pool of scattered experiences, through carefully designed research methods and with the cooperation of selected cities and other stakeholders. The materials produced were put into practice during the pilot-edition of the Migrant Integration Academy held on February 2013 in the premises of the Turin-based ITC-ILO.

All the research materials are available on