Inaugurazione cattedra Jean Monnet ‘European Migration Studies’. Online, 11 marzo ore 10

Segnaliamo l’inaugurazione della cattedra Jean Monnet “European Migration Studies” che si terrà mercoledì 11 marzo dalle ore 10 alle ore 12.

L’evento si svolge sulla piattaforma e viene trasmesso in diretta streaming su Unito media.

Stefano Geuna – Rector
Patrick Doelle – European Commission – Migration support team Member Italia
Anna Caffarena – Director of the Master Programme
Alessandra Venturini – Presentation of the Chair Jean Monnet in European Migration Studies

Keynote Speaker
Philippe Fargues – Fellow at the EUI, founder and former Director of the Migration Policy Centre “Integrating migrants for integrating regions – Shared challenges around the Mediterranean”

Comments by
Rosita Di Peri, Scientific Coordinator Summer School Tomideast (CPS) | Marco Sanfilippo (EST) | Manuela Consito, Migration Law and Coordinator
of the Legal Clinic on Human Rights | Roberta Aluffi, Legal System in the Arab World | Francesco Costamagna, EU Mobility and Migration Law

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