MAFE “Migration entre l’Afrique et l’Europe”

IT Il progetto MAFE (Migrazione tra l’Africa e l’Europa) (2008- 2012) è un progetto di ricerca congiunto iniziato nel 2005 con l’obiettivo di raccogliere e analizzare dati innovativi riguardante la migrazione tra l’Africa sub-sahariana e l’Europa. Il progetto MAFE ha generato sondaggi multi-situati, comparativi e longitudinali effettuati in 3 paesi africani (Congo, Ghana, Senegal) e 6 paesi europei (Belgio, Francia, Italia, Spagna, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito) offrendo una fonte unica di dati che consente ai ricercatori di studiare i modelli, le cause e le conseguenze della migrazione africana. I partner del progetto sono INED (Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques) di Parigi, UCL (Centre de Recherche en Démographie et Société, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve), TSS (The Department of Technology and Society Studies of the University of Maastricht), IPDSR (Institut de formation et de recherche en population, développement et santé de la reproduction – University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar), DSPD (Département des sciences de la population et du développement – Kinshasa University), CMS (Centre for Migration Studies – University of Ghana), il gruppo di ricerca socio-demografica del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali dell’Università Pompeu Fabra, il gruppo di ricerca sulle dinamiche demografiche, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas di Madrid, SCMR (Sussex Centre for Migration Research of the University of Sussex) e FIERI. Il progetto è stato finanziato nell’ambito del Settimo programma quadro di ricerca della Commissione europea e ha ricevuto il sostegno della AFD (Agence Française de Développement). FIERI è stato responsabile del Work Package 7 sull’integrazione economica e le traiettorie lavorative dei migranti in Europa, il loro contributo economico al paese di origine e il re-inserimento professionale nei paesi di origine. (rimesse, investimenti in attività, la partecipazione ad organizzazioni della città di provenienza). Tutti i materiali prodotti sono disponibili sul sito

EN The MAFE project (Migration between Africa and Europe) (2008- 2012) is a collaborative research project that started in 2005 with the objective to collect and analyze innovative data on migration between Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. The MAFE project generated multi-sited, comparative and longitudinal surveys carried out in 3 African countries (Congo, Ghana, Senegal) and 6 European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, UK). It offers a unique source of data that enables researchers to study the patterns, causes and consequences of African migration. The project partners are INED (Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques) of Parigi, UCL (Centre de Recherche en Démographie et Société, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve), TSS (The Department of Technology and Society Studies of the University of Maastricht), IPDSR (Institut de formation et de recherche en population, développement et santé de la reproduction – University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar), DSPD (Département des sciences de la population et du développement – Kinshasa University), CMS (Centre for Migration Studies – University of Ghana), the Socio-Demography Research Group, Department of Political and Social Sciences, of the Pompeu Fabra University, the Research Group on Demographic Dynamics, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas of Madrid, SCMR (Sussex Centre for Migration Research of the University of Sussex) and FIERI. The project was funded within the Seventh Framework programme for Research of the European Commission and received the support of the AFD (Agence Française de Développement).

FIERI has been in charge of the Work Package 7 on economic integration paths and outcomes in Europe and reintegration in the origin countries and the economic transnational participation of migrants (remittances, investment in assets, participation to hometown organisations).

All the research materials are available on

Project outputs

European Policy Brief Transit migration: a piece of the complex mobility puzzle. The case of Senegalese migration Understanding Transnational Labour Martket Trajectories of African-European Migrants : Evidence from the MAFE Survey What drives onward mobility within Europe? The case of Senegalese migration between France, Italy and Spain Building a comprehensive framework of African migratin patterns : the case of migration between Senegal and Europe’