Migration Politics and Governance (MiGPOG) Standing Committee IMISCOE (2019 – ad oggi).

IT. FIERI è partner e membro fondatore del più esteso network europeo di istituti di ricerca e studiosi di migrazioni, IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe). Dal 2019, a seguito di una procedura competitiva interna a IMISCOE, FIERI coordina nuova standing committee “Migration Politics and Governance (MiGPOG)”, derivante dalla fusione del precedente Standing Committee su “Multilevel Governance of Immigrant Integration and Immigration policies” e del Research Group su “Integration crises. Analysing integration processes in an age of global instability”, fondato e coordinato da FIERI. https://www.imiscoe.org/research/standing-committees/934-migration-politics-and-governance.

EN. FIERI is partner and founding member of the largest European network of research institutes and scholars of migration (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe). Since 2019, after an competitive procedure internal to IMISCOE, FIERI has been coordinating the new standing committee “Migration Politics and Governance (MiGPOG)” resulting from the merger of the previous Standing Committee on “Multilevel Governance of Immigrant Integration and Immigration policies” and Research Group on “Integration crises. Analyzing integration processes in an age of global instability “, founded and coordinated by FIERI. https://www.imiscoe.org/research/standing-committees/934-migration-politics-and-governance