Presentazione: The Prior Socialization of Immigrants and Their Political Participation in the United States

Giovedì 26 Gennaio 2012 alle ore 17:00 presso la Sala Lauree di Scienze Politiche in Via Verdi 25 a Torino, Michael Jones-Correa (Professor of Government, Cornell University, USA) presenterà un paper dal titolo “The Prior Socialization of Immigrants and Their Political Participation in the United States”. Il seminario è a cura di FIERI, T-Way e la Facolta di Scienze Politiche.


How much is immigrant participation in their new receiving country shaped by what they experience before they migrate versus what they experience after migration? Does immigrants” experiences with politics in their countries of origin lead to persistent political learning that carries over into new contexts despite the changes brought about in the course of immigration? To address these questions, I draw on the 2006 Latino National Survey (LNS) to examine immigration from Mexico, the largest immigrant sending nation to the United States, taking into account individual and contextual effects in both Mexico (pre-immigration) and the United States (post-immigration) as determinants of Mexican immigrants” civic and political behavior in the U.S.

Ferruccio Pastore (FIERI)

Fabio Armao (Università di Torino e T-Way)