Roles of local authorities in the integration of migrants: module three and four of the CLIP (Cities for Local Integration Policy for migrants) project.

IT. La ricerca è stata finanziata dalla Fondazione Europea per il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita e lavorative (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions – Eurofound) e svolta da un consorzio coordinato dall’istituto di ricerca EFMS (University of Bamberg, DE) e composto da altri centri di ricerca – FIERI, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) dell’Università di Amsterdam, Centre for Migration Policy Research (CMPR) dell’Università del Galles, Institute for Urban and Regional Research (ISR) dell’Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT), e European Union Studies Department dell’Università di Wrozław (PL). I due moduli del progetto CLIP in cui FIERI è stato coinvolto riguardano rispettivamente l’integrazione delle minoranze musulmane nelle città europee e l’imprenditoria etnica. L’attività di ricerca di FIERI si è focalizzata sulle cinque città di Torino (IT), Bologna (IT), Lussemburgo (L), Lisbona (PT) e Valencia (ES). Il rapporto di ricerca è disponibile sul sito

EN.  The project, funded by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (‘Eurofound’), was carried out by a Consortium coordinated by the EFMS (University of Bamberg, DE) in collaboration with FIERI and Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (NL), Centre for Migration Policy Research (CMPR) at the University of Wales (UK), the Institute for Urban and Regional Research (ISR) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT), and the European Union Studies Department at the University of Wrozław (PL). The modules in which FIERI is involved concern the integration of Muslim minorities in European cities (concluded in September 2009) and ethnic entrepreneurship (concluded in 2010). As for the module about ethnic entrepreneurship, FIERI is responsible for carrying out case-studies in 5 cities, i.e. Turin (IT), Bologna (IT), Strasbourg (F), Lisbon (PT) and Valencia (ES). The research reports are available on: