Segnaliamo il webinar “Building EU common indicators on migrant integration: The role of survey data on migrants and ethnic minorities” che si terrà martedì 4 maggio dalle 15.00 alle 16.00, organizzato dallo Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography of the European Commission nell’ambito delle attività della COST Action ETHMIGSURVEYDATA – International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network, di cui FIERI è membro.
Béatrice d’Hombres, JRC-EC, EU-wide surveys: What use for policymaking
Marco Scipioni, JRC-EC, EU-wide surveys as a source for indicators of migrant integration
Laura Morales, Sciences-Po and Ethmigurveydata, The EthMigSurveyDataHub: facilitating knowledge sharing and transfer of migrant and ethnic minorities survey data across Europe
Franz Eiffe, Eurofound
Dialogue coordinators: Elena Ambrosetti, Sapienza University Rome and Guido Tintori, JRC-EC
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