Webinar ‘Migration Governance and Politics in Face of the Pandemic’, 27 gennaio ore 15:00.

Siamo lieti di segnalarvi il webinar ‘Migration Governance and Politics in Face of the Pandemic’ organizzato dal Migration Policy Centre (MPC) nell’ambito della standing committee “Migration Politics and Governance (MiGPOG)” della rete IMISCOE. Il seminario si terrà online mercoledì 27 gennaio dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 16:15.

Il link per accedere al webinar sarà fornito a seguito della registrazione.

Migration governance and politics have rarely been analysed in relation to each other. Research on migration politics has emphasised the contentious side of the migration issue, e.g. party ideologies and (populist) discourses, native citizens unfavourable attitudes, pro- and anti-immigrant social movements mobilisation and the like. On the contrary, research on governance and public policy has primarily focused on the consensual side, e.g. policy networks, implementation accommodative practices, policy learning and experts’ knowledge etc. This webinar, organised in collaboration with the Imiscoe MiGPoG Standing
Committee, explores how a perspective thematising both the governance and politics of migration can enrich our understanding of policymaking processes vis-à-vis the challenges put forwards by the ongoing pandemic crisis.

  • Gianni D’Amato (Université de Neuchatel), The pandemic and the political: the miraculous return of the state as a (reflexive) actor?
  • Ferruccio Pastore (FIERI), Intertwined systems. What the pandemic is teaching us about the relations between mobility and migration governance
  • Ana Margheritis (University of Southampton) Migration Governance in Crisis-Prone Contexts: the South American Experience during the Pandemic
  • Maria Schiller (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Covid-19 and local challenges of governing migration and diversity

Chair: Tiziana Caponio, University of Turin and MPC visiting fellow, co-chair of the MiGPOG SC.

The link to the Webinar will be provided following registration.