Promoting Equality in Diversity: Integration in Europe

IT Promoting Equality in Diversity: Integration in Europe. La ricerca, coordinata dall”ILO (International Labour Office) di Ginevra e finanziata dallUE nellambito del programma INTI, Integration of Third Country Immigrants, ha portato allelaborazione di un manuale sui diversi aspetti che riguardano l”integrazione degli immigrati stranieri, diretto a politici e operatori impegnati nel settore delle politiche dell’immigrazione. FIERI ha avuto il compito di mettere a punto un saggio di analisi critica della letteratura sui modelli di policy e sugli indicatori di integrazione degli immigrati.

EN This project led to the creation of a manual regarding different aspects of the integration of foreign immigrants, designed for use by politicians and professionals working in the sector of immigration policy. FIERI had the task of preparing a critical review of literature on policy models and the indicators of immigrants’ integration. The investigation outlined a model of ‘reasonable integration’ and identified the most significant indicators in this regard. The project was coordinated by the ILO (International Labour Office) in Geneva and financed by the EU in the context of the INTI programme Integration of Third Country Immigrants.
